Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Case for Kasich

The Case for Kasich
Michael Cannata

          The last presidential election was about as ugly a political spectacle as this country has ever experienced in my lifetime. Trump won by exploiting the sense of anger and disgust many people in America harbored for politicians in general. He also appealed to some deep seated hate felt by many white Americans towards minorities in general and immigrants in particular.

          He attacked not just immigrants, women, and the disabled with a constant barrage of insults and invective. He disparaged the personal character and political accomplishments of his opponents. His behavior and the response by his debate foes was tantamount to the over-the-top-displays of screaming and shouting by guests straight out of a Jerry Springer show; with his followers playing the part of the rabid audience with equal enthusiasm.

          It was as vicious a political bloodletting America has ever witnessed. Trump painted a picture of an America that was nearly apocalyptic. He wasn't a politician, but he was a skilled TV performer. Trump played to his audience with deft and dark skill. He played to the deepest fears and strongest hate of his base. He insulted the other candidates the way his supporters wished they could do. Like his supporters, Trump had no political experience to offer. Just a claim to his position as an outsider who was going to, "drain the swamp," if given the chance. He promised them a "great big beautiful wall" that would stem the flow of murderous, evil, drug dealing criminals into our country.

          However, out of the fray, there emerged one guy who seemed unruffled and unperturbed by Trump's attacks. John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, impressed me with his ability to express his ideas and policies with carefully considered and thoughtful answers to the questions he faced during the debates. He showed me that he could look at an issue from both sides and was willing to support the best solution from a partisan rather than a party centered point of view.

          He was easily the only guy who acted the way one would expect of a legitimate candidate. He came across as Presidential.

          In my humble opinion, even though he lost in the last election, this is the guy who could be the only hope in 2020 for the GOP to hold on to the White House. Kasich has distanced himself from Trump and has established his role as a serious critic of Trump. He has proven that he isn't afraid to buck the party line. In other words, he isn't afraid to point out that the Emperor hasn't any clothes.

          I supported, Bernie Sanders, during the last presidential election. I had watched him over his entire career. I admired him as a man and as an independent politician of over 30 years. He had a reputation as someone who could work with both sides. I decided to vote for only the second time in my 65 years because I finally found a candidate that I could honestly support. But we all know how that turned out. The democratic party backed the candidate that the party wanted. They never seemed to consider what the people wanted. 

          John Kasich seems to possess the same skills that attracted me to Sanders. Kasich appears to be a man that can work with both parties when it comes to reaching solutions that are best for the country, not just the party. His experience as a governor gives him the sort of experience that best suits a potential president.

          By all accounts, John Kasich's terms as Governor of Ohio were a resounding success. Quoting from the official Ohio Governor's website, He closed "an $8 billion budget shortfall without a tax increase, reducing taxes by $5 billion" and "Ohio jobs have grown by over 557,600." "The Buckeye state is in a stronger position than it was when Kasich took office."

          John Kasich has all the political pedigree, resume, experience and support that we could ask of any viable presidential candidate. When it comes to my political leanings I have always considered myself an independent moderate. I believe that we should always vote for the best candidate regardless of their party affiliation.

          John Kasich is a guy I could get behind. Right now, the democratic field of candidates is so crowded that it's impossible to see who is worth supporting. Sadly, when it comes to the republicans, there is Trump, Pence and maybe the carpetbagger, Romney. Voting for any of them is unthinkable.

          I am hoping that John Kasich will once again challenge Trump for the nomination. I would give him serious consideration. I don't care if the next president is a republican or a democrat. I just want him or her to be competent and capable. Someone who believes in America. We don't need someone who can make America great again; America has always been great. We need someone who can keep us great. 

           John Kasich has the potential to be that man if we give him a chance. Who knows, maybe he'll be the guy who gets me to vote for the third time.

1 comment:

  1. John Kasich would definitely get my vote. My brother, who knows him personally, describes him as an intelligent, fair minded man who truly cares about this country. One who would have the ability to work with members of both parties respectfully and honestly.
